译林牛津必修2module 2 unit 2 project

译林牛津必修2module 2 unit 2 project(译林牛津版高一上册)
作者:huifang 作者单位:无 简介:无 (点此察看课件截图
译林牛津版 高一上册
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·江苏译林牛津版高一模块二unit 2 reading新课标
   作者:liuqing 作者单位:无 简介:无 「下载次数:511」

·译林牛津高一必修2 第一单元welcome
   作者:wu jianxin wujianxin298298@163.com 作者单位:江苏省如皋中学 简介:本课件为原创,图文并茂,很不错 「下载次数:456」

   作者:wu jianxin wujianxin298298@163.com 作者单位:江苏省如皋中学 简介:该课件为本人原创,是大市竞赛用课件,很不错,欢迎下载使用. 「下载次数:512」

·译林牛津选修7高二M7U2 The Passive Infinitive-新课标[整理]
   作者:白月光 yueguang@sohu.com 作者单位:无 简介:无 「下载次数:541」

·高二译林牛津模块七第三单元word power
   作者:温从秀 js_wcx@163.com 作者单位:江苏射阳陈洋中学 简介:课件着重贴近生活 「下载次数:788」

·译林模块1 Unit 1 语法:定语从句(特殊用法;介词+关系代词)
   简介: ppt制作 译林模块1 Unit 1 语法:定语从句(特殊用法;介词+关系代词). 上传者:xuedan webmaster@ruiwen.com 「下载次数:470」

·译林模块1 Unit 1 语法:定语从句关系代词的用法
   简介: ppt制作 译林模块1 Unit 1 语法:定语从句关系代词的用法. 上传者:xuedan webmaster@ruiwen.com 「下载次数:531」

·译林牛津模块8 Unit 1 Reading
   简介: ppt制作 译林牛津模块8 Unit 1 Reading. 上传者:xuedan webmaster@ruiwen.com 「下载次数:727」

·译林牛津英语模块8 Unit2全单元(学英语报)
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:578」

·译林牛津模块8 Unit 2 Reading(组内公开课)
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:468」

·译林牛津模块8 Unit 1 Project
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:434」

·译林牛津模块3 Unit 3 单元知识点归纳
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:472」

·译林牛津模块4 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:457」

·译林牛津模块 4 unit 1 welcome to the unit
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:454」

·译林牛津模块4 Unit1 Language points (Word power-Project)
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:425」

·译林牛津模块7 Unit 3 巩固练习
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:439」

·译林牛津模块3 Unit 2 全单元知识点归纳
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:444」

·译林牛津模块3 Unit 1 全单元知识点归纳
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:447」

·译林牛津模块4 Unit 1 Words and expressions
   简介: ppt制作 What he did was in c with what he said.
8.We need more ________(工作人员) in the office.
9.Are the company’s _____(财力,资金) sound(可靠)?
10.-----I’ve passed the driving test.-----C________.. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:486」

·译林牛津必修4 Unit 1 Advertising (Reading)
   简介: ppt制作 Played an important role in Chinese politics in the first half of the 20th century
Vice –president of the People’s Republic for many years. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:621」

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