American country music

American country music(人教版高一上册)
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·moudule 1 unit 1 wordpower American Engliah vs British English Colloquialisms
   简介: ppt制作 精心制作的课件,重难点突出,而且就体育方面扩大了词汇量。. 上传者:wangxiaoling 「下载次数:354」

·Unit 2 Growing pains Word Power (American vs. British English colloquialisms)
   简介: ppt制作 word power 介绍美式英语和影视英语的区别以级英语中口语的运用. 上传者:Cottondoll 「下载次数:833」

·Adventure in America (Unit Two Reading)
   简介: ppt制作 这是一个模块一第二个单元的课件。该课件为本人亲手制作。适应性比较强。. 上传者:lilyrenchang 「下载次数:683」

·Unit 2 Growing pains Word power .American vs British English
   简介: ppt制作 本课件是本人的一堂晋级达标示范课课件,结合了全组同行的智慧,课件制作精美合理,word power部分两块衔接紧密,学生活动及师生互动较好,值得作为参考!. 上传者:东方不败ddff 「下载次数:707」

·Unit 10 American Literature
   简介: ppt制作 Unit 10 American Literature. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:528」

·Unit 16 the American South reading
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:446」

·Unit 16 the American South reading 1
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:479」

·unit 16 American south Reading
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:472」

·unit 16 The American South Reading
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:517」

·unit 16 The United States of America reading
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:449」

·Unit 10 American Literature Reading
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:481」

·高三unit10 American literature
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:449」

·unit 10 American literature 全套
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:492」

·main specific characters of American culture
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:477」

·2. music originally played by black Americans with a strong beat and and parts in which performers can play alone.
   简介: ppt制作 2. music originally played by black Americans with a strong beat and and parts in which performers can play alone.. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:456」

·Module 4 Book 7 Music Born in America (学生双语报)
   简介: ppt制作 Loulan city
The 2nd century BC witnessed the founding of the ancient city Loulan, which is located in what is now Xinjiang. At the . 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:990」

·unit 16 The United States of America (reading)
   简介: ppt制作 2b listen again. Match the names with the activities.
1.___Uncle Joe a. is playing computer games.
2.___Jeff b. is cooking.
3.___Mary c. is playing basketball.
4.___Aunt Sarah d. is watching TV
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:463」

·Senior II Unit 16 The United States of America reading
   简介: ppt制作 Played an important role in Chinese politics in the first half of the 20th century
Vice –president of the People’s Republic for many years. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:485」

·American literature
   简介: ppt制作 American literatureAmerican literature. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:391」

·Isaac Asimov An American scientist and writer
   简介: ppt制作 Isaac Asimov An American scientist
and writer
. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:512」

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上一个『Oxford 8B Chapter 7』  下一个『7b unit3 Welcome to the unit

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