Getting along with others Reading One

Getting along with others Reading One(译林牛津版高二必修五)
简介: ppt制作 模块5 Unit 1 Reading(校内公开课). 上传者:xuedan (点此察看课件截图
译林牛津版 高二必修五
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·7上 7A Units 1&2 Getting to know each other Revision复习精品
   简介: ppt制作 7上 unit1&2复习精品课件. 上传者:alicelucky 「下载次数:61」

·冀教版八下第二课 Lesson 2 It's getting warmer
   简介: ppt制作 制作精巧,环节完整,从各个方面有效练习学生的听说读写的综合能力。. 上传者:杨阳12345 「下载次数:555」

·Lesson 2 It’s Getting Warmer!
   简介: ppt制作 review make a report to the class. 上传者:jiahande 「下载次数:579」

·Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others
   简介:Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others ppt制作 reading 课件实用,内容全,重点突出。由词到句再到篇章。操作性强。. 上传者:halftina 「下载次数:1778」

·Unit 1 Getting to Know You Topic 1 Nice to meet you ! Section A
   简介: ppt制作 仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit 1 Getting to Know You Topic1 Nice to meet you ! Section A 课件,希望对你的学习教学有一定的帮助. 上传者:xuexu8811 「下载次数:1411」

·Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese? Section A
   简介: ppt制作 按照教学大纲的要求,经过教学目标确定,教学内容和任务分析,教学活动结构及界面设计等环节。本课件适合先学后教当堂训练的模式。. 上传者:zhangzhen0104 「下载次数:1804」

·Unit 3 Getting Together What does your mother do?
   简介: ppt制作 仁爱七年级上册unit3 topic2 sectionB的课件,挺实用的。希望能给大家带来便利. 上传者:xuyunzhen 「下载次数:850」

·Unit 1 Module 1 Amazing things Encyclopaedias Period 1 Getting ready Study skills Culture corner
   简介: ppt制作 Unit 1 Module 1 Amazing things Encyclopaedias Period 1 Getting ready, Study skills ,culture corner.. 上传者:xiexuechun 「下载次数:6436」

·Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Revision
   简介: ppt制作 很实用的一轮复习课件。基础知识全面,且围绕重点,适当延伸拓展。还有单元话题写作。. 上传者:风华正茂22 「下载次数:1652」

·Unit 1 Getting along with others word power
   简介: ppt制作 牛津译林模块五第三单元,参加公开课比赛获得领导好评,也非常成功,希望对大家有帮助!. 上传者:zhoudan 「下载次数:779」

·Unit 4 Helping people(getting ready)
   简介: ppt制作 通过大量感性的图片来引入生词,详细地介绍了Mother Teresa,为阅读做了充分的准备。. 上传者:yangtingqiong 「下载次数:878」

·Lesson Two It’s getting warmer !
   简介: ppt制作 本课件图文并茂,内容详实,听说读写译全部包括,通过图片让学生快速记忆单词,熟习表示天气的短语,不识是学习英语的好课件。. 上传者:zhaoliping1972 「下载次数:655」

·unit 5 unsing language Skill training in Getting & Matching Information
   简介: ppt制作 本课学习的话题是秘鲁旅行,首先是听取信息,锻炼学生的听力,其次是通过对课文内容的信息匹配,锻炼学生寻找信息的能力。. 上传者:mumianye 「下载次数:861」

·Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do ?
   简介: ppt制作 1、抓住重点、突破难点。 2、思路清晰。 3、实用性强。. 上传者:zzz602 「下载次数:597」

·模块5 Unit1 Getting along with others (period 1)
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:542」

·模块5 Unit1 Getting along with others (Reading1)
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:530」

·模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others (Reading2)
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:544」

·模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others word power
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:537」

·模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others (grammar1)
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:496」

·模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others (task1)
   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:547」

相关教案 相关文摘
上一个『Using language』  下一个『Unit2 Using Language Reading ,discussing and writing

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