Unit 9 My favourite subject is science. Section A 1a-2d

Unit 9 My favourite subject is science. Section A 1a-2d(人教版初一(七年级)上册)
简介: ppt制作 人教版七年级新目标英语上UNIT 9 MY FAVORITE SUBJUCT IS SCIENCE.— What fruit do you like best? — I like banana. — What’s your favorite fruit? — My favorite fruit is banana. 上传者:mofashilingle (点此察看课件截图
人教版 初一(七年级)上册
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·Unit 9 Have you ever been to an aquarium ?
   简介: ppt制作 该课件为第一课时,语法是现在完成时的用法以及have been to 和have gone to 的区别. 上传者:lvyeermao 「下载次数:1040」

·Unit 9 my favorite subject is science period 1
   简介: ppt制作 一个很优秀的课件!讲解清晰,条理分明,学生很容易掌握,是你教学的号帮手!. 上传者:jimmylei 「下载次数:785」

·Unit 9 Can you come to the party? Section A 1a-2c
   简介: ppt制作 Can you come to the party? Sure, I'd love to. 上传者:pairsxuli 「下载次数:1074」

·Unit 9 when was it invented? Section A Period 1
   简介: ppt制作 此课件属于听说课,兼顾听、说、读、写的训练。内有精美图片,课件线索清晰。是新授课。. 上传者:bluesnail 「下载次数:1101」

·Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section A 1a-1c
   简介: ppt制作 八年级第八单元第一课时,教案使用较好,希望大家能提宝贵意见,给与跟多的支持. 上传者:qyyqyyxf1314 「下载次数:3888」

·Unit 9 When was it invented? Section B
   简介: ppt制作 when was it invented 适合八年级上册使用. 上传者:zdd171 「下载次数:1647」

·Unit 9 when was it invented? SectionA (1a-2c)
   简介: ppt制作 To develop the Ss’abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing by using the sentences “When was it invented? Who was it invented by? What was it used for?” . 上传者:rinaan 「下载次数:1941」

·Unit 9 When was it invented ? The first period
   简介: ppt制作 这是我公开课上的课件,大家都觉得好。有什么不好的敬靖批评批评指正。. 上传者:lucy118 「下载次数:1894」

·Unit 9 When was he born? Section A 1a-2c
   简介: ppt制作 图片清晰,知识重、难点突出,教学步骤清晰。活动多样,能帮助学生在用中学语言。. 上传者:jwzxyl 「下载次数:1258」

·Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A 1a-2d
   简介: ppt制作 讲解全面,重点指导,让学生更能够理解、更全面了解重点知识!图片更新颖,更能吸引学生的注意力!. 上传者:houfangfang 「下载次数:839」

·Unit 9 When was it invented?
   简介: ppt制作 转载的---英语辅导报上的课件,非常实用,制作精美,条理清晰,值得借鉴!. 上传者:keaiyan521521 「下载次数:1532」

·Unit 9 When was it invented? Section A
   简介: ppt制作 环节清晰,实用,紧扣教材,师生互动,生动活泼,画面漂亮,贴近学生生活。. 上传者:wanglan1119 「下载次数:1095」

· Unit 9 When was he born? Section B 1a-2c
   简介: ppt制作 新目标八年级(上) Unit9 When was he born?Section B 1a-2c 此课件为人教版年级英语第九单元第二课时,设计新颖,教学环节紧凑,教学内容生动,贴近学生生活。.. 上传者:Wendy139 「下载次数:1446」

·Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Period 1
   简介: ppt制作 新目标英语八年级下册第九单元课件第一课时,介绍本单元的重点单词、句型和语法知识。课件形象生动,直观有利于提高学生的学习兴趣。. 上传者:Davis1986 「下载次数:890」

·Unit 9 have you ever been to amumeseum park Period 1
   简介: 制作 资料里面包括ppt和单元知识总结 知识内容详尽,是备课上课和学习的好课件,希望对大家有所帮助. 上传者:jiaomei 「下载次数:691」

·Unit 9 When was it invented ?Section A(公开课第一课时)
   简介: ppt制作 该课件图文并茂,重难点突出,学生容易掌握,是本人精心制作的!. 上传者:lly888 「下载次数:1622」

·Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?
   简介: ppt制作 新目标英语八年级下册九单元课件,帮助老师让学生更容易学习现在完成时和现在完成进行时。课堂容量大,共89张ppt. 上传者:111222 「下载次数:1672」

·Module 3 Unit 9 Lesson 1 Wheels
   简介: ppt制作 Teaching Contents: 1. Reading the article "Return of the white bikes" to learn the development of the bikes in Amsterdam. 2. The vocabulary: benefit, flat, convenient, convenience, hopeful,indeed, therefore, path, park, transport, neighborhood, thief, chip, insert, thanks to 3. Reading strategies: 1) predict the content of the article according to the heading; 2) know about the main ideas of the article by skimming; 3) draw out information in details, analyze and solve the problems through scanning, 4) understand the new words and phrases according to the context. 4. Extending the topic to arouse the Ss' awareness of Low carbon, energy saving and environmental protection . 上传者:hxszx2 「下载次数:2200」

·Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Section B
   简介: ppt制作 此课件是本人区级英语优质课比赛精心设计而成,荣获一等奖。. 上传者:yuanxianghui 「下载次数:896」

·Unit 9 Signs
   简介: ppt制作 介绍各种标志,用图片呈现,学生更容易理解,且附有课文内容及图片,直接教学学生更易掌握. 上传者:weiqinglil 「下载次数:639」

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