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人教版 适用年级:中考复习下册 简介: 制作 单词复习帮助初三学生记忆初中阶段所有单词以迎接中考望通过审核. 上传者:1145961747
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人教版 适用年级:中考复习上册 简介: ppt制作 改课件适合高中总复习阶段中对于动词的时态和语态的这一块只是的专项复习. 上传者:songdai
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70399. Unit 1-3 单元复习
译林牛津版 适用年级:中考复习上册 简介: ppt制作 9aunit1-3单元复习,可用于中考一轮复习,可以参考,欢迎下载. 上传者:goll11
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70315.IT的用法 强调句
人教版 适用年级:中考复习必修一 简介: ppt制作 表示强调,其结构是: It is/was+强调部分+ that+原句剩余部分,强调状语、主语和宾语。 注:①如果强调的是人, 其后用that或who 均可; ②如果强调的是物、时间或地点等状 语, 其后只能用that不用where、 when、why。 . 上传者:独立寒秋234
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新目标版 适用年级:中考复习下册 简介: ppt制作 不错的课件,有助于教师和学生掌握复习方法和复习技巧,可以适当借鉴和运用. 上传者:dyrhqy
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69399.初三复习语法 初一上 语法
人教版 适用年级:中考复习上册 简介: ppt制作 主要是初一上语法,对单复数区别,如何改一般疑问句和特殊疑问句总结方法. 上传者:lily_pearl
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人教版 适用年级:中考复习上册 简介: ppt制作 九年级中考语法复习-祈使句。课件、祈使句用法,构成,知识点,难点,考点,. 上传者:xuexianchao
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人教版 适用年级:中考复习下册 简介: ppt制作 课件,中考总复习,一般现在式和一般过去式的练习及区别。时态,动词,. 上传者:xuexianchao
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人教版 适用年级:中考复习上册 简介: 制作 本课件及其定语从句的知识点,生动记忆定语从句的关键!定语从句课件从句型出发,一语法方式深入学习定语从句,带有趣味性!. 上传者:19960517 751306505@QQ.COM
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68610.复习宾语从句 ★★★★★
外研版 适用年级:中考复习选修六 简介: ppt制作 学习宾语从句的三要素:
. 上传者:Edithchen 1423960260@qq.com
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68366.马尔代夫 ★★★★★
新课标版 适用年级:中考复习上册 简介: ppt制作 Hello everyone . we’re the first group! Let’s travel to Maldives !
Comfortable climate(罗思圆)
Generally, the year is divided into two monsoon periods: the north-east monsoon lasts from December to March, which are the drier months; the south-west monsoon lasts from April to November, and is wetter, with more storms and occasional strong winds. Daytime temperatures are about 28°C (82°F) all year. The humidity is slightly lower in the dry season but most days there's a cooling sea breeze.
Luxury hotel 豪华的旅馆(李雅琼)
Resorts and hotels woo tourists with promises of, 'the last paradise on earth', and they will not disappoint. It is a major destination for scuba divers, who come for the wealth of marine life and the reefs as well as being popular with honeymooners and older couples seeking to rejuvenate their lives
Paradise 天堂(彭静)
The maldives tourism landscape is all in a leisure atmosphere which is operating by the restaurant, because each island is developed by an independent hotel franchisor. So one island only have one hotel which becaming the maldives special tourism culture.
An Island Paradise is called "Paradise", not only because of the clearest water, sand and special, the biggest reason, is known as the magnificent luxury hotel -- the world's largest Island --Paradise Island hotel Atlantis.
Maldives delicious food(张毅)
Maldives is a muslim(穆斯林)country,Islam(伊斯兰)do not eat pork, not drinking, non-idol worship. But this place is island country, abounds in many kinds of fish, crabs and lobsters.There're also lots of tropical fruits.
local customs(陈雅雯)
The Maldives swimming naked is illegal. Women travel must wear shirts,covering their bodies,and men cannot wear shorts.
Tourism in the Maldives is carefully managed. The country's tourism master plan identifies both the underwater environment and 'the intrepid explorer factor' as major attractions.
The lack of local resources makes it necessary to import virtually everything a visitor needs, from furniture to fresh vegetables. The strategy has been to develop a limited number of quality resorts, each on its own uninhabited island, free from traffic, crime and commercialism.
local customs(陈畅)
Dhivehi(迪维希语)is the language spoken in all parts of the Maldives. English is widely spoken by Maldivians and visitors can easily make themselves understood getting around the capital island. In the resorts(度假村), a variety(各种)of languages are spoken by the staff including English, German, French, Italian and Japanese.

Maldives is the second small Asian countries, and the world‘s largest coral island. North and south extensions 650 km long and narrow(窄)the match, the terrain(地形), average elevation(海拔)1.2 meters.
Because of global (全球)warming, sea levels are rising in two centimeters every year. Maldives is expected to disappear about 50 years back.
Maldives is the place which I always want to go. One of my dream is to go maldives before it disappear.

Now, let’s look at some pictures of some famous people in Maldives.

Ok! Next, let’s watch a video about Maldives.

That's all!
Thanks for your listening!
. 上传者:cici123 csdyr919@sina.com
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68147.(The object clause)宾语从句
人教版 适用年级:中考复习必修一 简介: ppt制作 适合初三学生复习宾语从句,里面的概念讲解和例句讲解很详细. 上传者:lushulan lusulang@163.com
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67790.Welcome to our class!被动语态重难点讲解
译林牛津版 适用年级:中考复习下册 简介: ppt制作 被动语态重难点讲解被动语态重难点讲解被动语态重难点讲解. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com
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译林牛津版 适用年级:中考复习下册 简介: ppt制作 反意疑问句2反意疑问句2反意疑问句2反意疑问句2. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com
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新目标版 适用年级:中考复习下册 简介: ppt制作 语法精典讲解词法部分(句子种类结构)语法精典讲解词法部分(句子种类结构). 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com
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新目标版 适用年级:中考复习下册 简介: ppt制作 语法精典讲解词法部分(动词)语法精典讲解词法部分(动词). 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com
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