九年级下册Lesson2 Poems About Nature 课件截图
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课件名称:九年级下册Lesson2 Poems About Nature
适用年级:冀教版 初三(九年级)下册
简介: ppt制作 Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets:

The boy decided ____________(not become) a sailor

after he graduated.

2. Please write a _____________(describe) of your

favourite animal.

3. Do you _________(real) want to study abroad?

4. The __________(happy) is always around you.

We are very ____________(please) with her decision.

________ you __________(write) a your letter yet?

I ______ just __________(finish) my poem.

She _______________ (go) to Beijing already.

________ you _________(write) all the new words?

No. I ______________(write) them this afternoon.

. 上传者:landongfang 181701366@qq.com

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