Unit 4 What the best movie theater? ? Section A 1a-1c 课件截图
中学英语教学资源网 手机版

课件名称:Unit 4 What the best movie theater? ? Section A 1a-1c
适用年级:新课标版 初二(八年级)上册
简介: ppt制作 Objectives
To learn to discuss preferences and make comparison 学习讨论用形容词讨论外观并作比较
To learn to understand and use superlatives with –(i)est, the most 理解和运用最高级
To learn to understand and use irregular comparisons good, better,
the best, bad, worse, the worst 理解并运用以下次的不规则变化
. 上传者:chaoyun710

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